Archived post: posted sometime between 2016 and 2022.

Tab completion in Ubuntu Bash (in WSL)

This is for people, like me, who come from ten years of Windows PowerShell, and are more an more using Linux (through the Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Here is a snippet from the bash manual. The search terms of interest are "completing" and "tab". The main section to read is "completing".

On my keyboard, the M- means ESC , so M-? means the key combination ESC-? (press escape and then question mark).

We can bind keys from bash with bind TAB:menu-complete (for example). We can run that directly or put it in our ~/.bashrc file.


Terminal autocomplete: cycle through suggestions
I had this on my Ubuntu setup and since I switched to Fedora I want to set it and I forgot how... The idea is simple : I don’t want the terminal to show me suggestions when I double tab, instead ...