It addition to its basic setup, Swashbuckle for ASP.NET Core needs an OAuth2Scheme that tells it how to obtain an access token.

services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
        "OpenID Connect", 
        new OAuth2Scheme
            Type = "oauth2",
            Flow = "implicit",
            AuthorizationUrl = "/connect/authorize"

The above is in the context of the following OpenIddict configuration, which enables the implicit flow with an authorization endpoint...


...and adds the default client from the default swagger/ui/index.html file.

dbContext.Applications.Add(new OpenIddictApplication
    ClientId = "your-client-id",
    DisplayName = "your-app-name",
    LogoutRedirectUri = $"http://localhost:53817/swagger/ui/o2c.html",
    RedirectUri = $"http://localhost:53817/swagger/ui/o2c.html",
    Type = OpenIddictConstants.ClientTypes.Public

Now our Swagger UI will have a lovely Authorize button. Clicking on it will initiate the implicit flow. Once it has an access token, Swagger UI will automatically include that token in the Authorization: Bearer access_token header.