Archived post: posted sometime between 2016 and 2022.

Practical tips on using the Linux subsystem on Windows

These tips are for Windows users who are getting started with Linux via WSL.

Type bash at a PowerShell or command prompt to run bash.

Use bash inside ConEmu (see above).

From within bash,

Use PowerShell in the Linux subsystem for Windows.

  1. install PowerShell
  2. open a bash prompt
  3. type powershell
  4. type exit to return to bash

Install Node/NPM from bash .

Paste from the Window's clipboard into bash using right click.

Clear the current input using Ctrl + E + U .

Convert from dos to unix line endings in vim with this command :set ff=unix .

Pipe command output to file and show it in the sell command |& tee output.txt .

Window's clip.exe can be run from the bash shell to copy/paste. E.g.

`clip.exe < ~/.ssh/`
