Archived post: posted sometime between 2016 and 2022.

We have been developing our do-it-yourself rainwater catchment system for about six years.

Its water keeps our strawberries (pictured above) happy throughout the dry summers.

Our system is pragmatic and started by laying necessary foundations. Six years ago we added a metal roof. From there we added one of the smaller, beige barrels. Then we added two more of those. One at a time we then added larger, black barrels. Recently we also added new gutters. Each of the barrels collect water from a gutter down spout. In addition, each of the barrels is daisy chained to its neighbor. That is, the largest barrel has a hose connecting it to the medium-sized black barrel, which in turn has a hose to the next barrel, and so on. This balances the water levels, helps with overflow, and facilitates watering the garden. Each barrel also has a watering hose attached, which we use to water the garden.