Archived post: posted sometime between 2016 and 2022.

List all the keyboard shortcuts that are available in PowerShell.

From within PowerShell, run the following commandlet:


That prints all the key bindings that are available out-of-the-box in PowerShell Desktop 5.1 and PowerShell Core 7.1. Some of them are more like shortcuts, such as CTRL + R , whereas others are more like vanilla keybindings, such as Enter . The shortcut that I use most often is CTRL + R for reverse history search. Here is the output on my machine.

Basic editing functions

Key              Function           Description                                                                                                    
---              --------           -----------                                                                                                    
Enter            AcceptLine         Accept the input or move to the next line if input is missing a closing token.                                 
Shift+Enter      AddLine            Move the cursor to the next line without attempting to execute the input                                       
Backspace        BackwardDeleteChar Delete the character before the cursor                                                                         
Ctrl+h           BackwardDeleteChar Delete the character before the cursor                                                                         
Ctrl+Home        BackwardDeleteLine Delete text from the cursor to the start of the line                                                           
Ctrl+Backspace   BackwardKillWord   Move the text from the start of the current or previous word to the cursor to the kill ring                    
Ctrl+C           Copy               Copy selected region to the system clipboard.  If no region is selected, copy the whole line                   
Ctrl+c           CopyOrCancelLine   Either copy selected text to the clipboard, or if no text is selected, cancel editing the line with CancelLine.
Ctrl+x           Cut                Delete selected region placing deleted text in the system clipboard                                            
Delete           DeleteChar         Delete the character under the cursor                                                                          
Ctrl+End         ForwardDeleteLine  Delete text from the cursor to the end of the line                                                             
Ctrl+Enter       InsertLineAbove    Inserts a new empty line above the current line without attempting to execute the input                        
Shift+Ctrl+Enter InsertLineBelow    Inserts a new empty line below the current line without attempting to execute the input                        
Ctrl+Delete      KillWord           Move the text from the cursor to the end of the current or next word to the kill ring                          
Ctrl+v           Paste              Paste text from the system clipboard                                                                           
Shift+Insert     Paste              Paste text from the system clipboard                                                                           
Ctrl+y           Redo               Redo an undo                                                                                                   
Escape           RevertLine         Equivalent to undo all edits (clears the line except lines imported from history)                              
Ctrl+z           Undo               Undo a previous edit                                                                                           
Alt+.            YankLastArg        Copy the text of the last argument to the input                                                                

Cursor movement functions

Key             Function        Description                                                     
---             --------        -----------                                                     
LeftArrow       BackwardChar    Move the cursor back one character                              
Ctrl+LeftArrow  BackwardWord    Move the cursor to the beginning of the current or previous word
Home            BeginningOfLine Move the cursor to the beginning of the line                    
End             EndOfLine       Move the cursor to the end of the line                          
RightArrow      ForwardChar     Move the cursor forward one character                           
Ctrl+]          GotoBrace       Go to matching brace                                            
Ctrl+RightArrow NextWord        Move the cursor forward to the start of the next word           

History functions

Key       Function              Description                                                                                                                
---       --------              -----------                                                                                                                
Alt+F7    ClearHistory          Remove all items from the command line history (not PowerShell history)                                                    
Ctrl+s    ForwardSearchHistory  Search history forward interactively                                                                                       
F8        HistorySearchBackward Search for the previous item in the history that starts with the current input - like PreviousHistory if the input is empty
Shift+F8  HistorySearchForward  Search for the next item in the history that starts with the current input - like NextHistory if the input is empty        
DownArrow NextHistory           Replace the input with the next item in the history                                                                        
UpArrow   PreviousHistory       Replace the input with the previous item in the history                                                                    
Ctrl+r    ReverseSearchHistory  Search history backwards interactively                                                                                     

Completion functions

Key        Function            Description                                                                                                                       
---        --------            -----------                                                                                                                       
Ctrl+Space MenuComplete        Complete the input if there is a single completion, otherwise complete the input by selecting from a menu of possible completions.
Tab        TabCompleteNext     Complete the input using the next completion                                                                                      
Shift+Tab  TabCompletePrevious Complete the input using the previous completion                                                                                  

Miscellaneous functions

Key           Function              Description                                                          
---           --------              -----------                                                          
Ctrl+l        ClearScreen           Clear the screen and redraw the current line at the top of the screen
Alt+0         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+1         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+2         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+3         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+4         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+5         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+6         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+7         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+8         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+9         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
Alt+-         DigitArgument         Start or accumulate a numeric argument to other functions            
PageDown      ScrollDisplayDown     Scroll the display down one screen                                   
Ctrl+PageDown ScrollDisplayDownLine Scroll the display down one line                                     
PageUp        ScrollDisplayUp       Scroll the display up one screen                                     
Ctrl+PageUp   ScrollDisplayUpLine   Scroll the display up one line                                       
Ctrl+Alt+?    ShowKeyBindings       Show all key bindings                                                
Alt+?         WhatIsKey             Show the key binding for the next chord entered                      

Selection functions

Key                   Function            Description                                                                     
---                   --------            -----------                                                                     
Ctrl+a                SelectAll           Select the entire line. Moves the cursor to the end of the line                 
Shift+LeftArrow       SelectBackwardChar  Adjust the current selection to include the previous character                  
Shift+Home            SelectBackwardsLine Adjust the current selection to include from the cursor to the end of the line  
Shift+Ctrl+LeftArrow  SelectBackwardWord  Adjust the current selection to include the previous word                       
Shift+RightArrow      SelectForwardChar   Adjust the current selection to include the next character                      
Shift+End             SelectLine          Adjust the current selection to include from the cursor to the start of the line
Shift+Ctrl+RightArrow SelectNextWord      Adjust the current selection to include the next word                           

Search functions

Key      Function                Description                                                                     
---      --------                -----------                                                                     
F3       CharacterSearch         Read a character and move the cursor to the next occurence of that character    
Shift+F3 CharacterSearchBackward Read a character and move the cursor to the previous occurence of that character