Archived post: posted sometime between 2016 and 2022.

Khan Academy: Asymptotic Notation

Asymptotic notation represents the rate-of-growth of the running time of an algorithm as the algorithm's input size n becomes large.

To find asymptotic notation, we express the number of steps in an algorithm as an algebraic function. Then we drop the constant factors and low-order terms. This leaves us with a simplified function such as f(n log n) .

We commonly express the rate of growth of an algorithm's running time in big notation.

We can use Big-Theta, Big-O, and Big-Omega to express an algorithm's worst case, best case, and average running time.

If this does not make sense, check out the Khan Academy's notes on Asymptotic Notation . And, if something doesn't seem quite right, critique me on Twitter @dicshaunary .