Archived post: posted sometime between 2016 and 2022.

A short guide on a code commenting style, written by someone who is skeptical of its value, is terrible at writing that style of code comments, and despite that, is willing to learn how to write them the way a team has elected to write them.

I tend not to read code comments and only to write them if something is unusual. As a result, I am terrible at writing a certain style of code comments.

Further, writing code comments for in-house software feels kinda icky to me, because the time seems better spent creating working software. Doing something that I do not believe is useful feels... icky.

That said, I am an adult and am not the source of all truth; so, when a team wants comments, I can suck it up and handle icky feelings.

After receiving some recent training from a very patient member of one of my teams-that-requires-comments, I have come up with the following heuristic for writing the certain kind of comment that this team finds helpful.

To be clear, this isn't a commenting style that I would advocate. Rather, it is one of the styles of comments that some teams sometimes find useful. Instead, I advocate only using comments to explain why when it is not obvious.

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